@thesis{thesis, author={Ghopur M Hesa Ali}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBERIAN TEPUNG INDIGOFERA TERHADAP KECERNAAN BAHAN KERING, BAHAN ORGANIK, DAN SERAT KASAR RANSUM PADA PEDET FRIES HOLSTEIN}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1643/}, abstract={ABSTRACT MUHAMMAD HESA ALI GHOPUR. A.1610678. Effects of Indigofera Meal on the Digestibility of Dry Matter, Organic Matter, and Fiber of Ration of Fries Holstein Calves. Under immediate supervision of Deden Sudrajat and Burhanudin Malik. Raising calves is important in dairy farming as most calves will be used as replacement stock. Therefore, all aspects of calf farming including housing, cleaning, and feeding need to be taken care of. Feeding is the most important aspect in dairy farming. Quality feeds ensure good outputs. Indigofera is a roughage containing high protein content (22%) and it does not compete with human need. This study was aimed at assessing the effects of the inclusion of indigofera meal in ration on the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and fiber. A completely randomized design was used. Treatments consisted of 40% concentrate + 60% roughage (R0), 60% roughage + 5% indigofera meal + 35% concentrate (R1), 60% roughage + 10% indigofera meal + 30% concentrate (R2). Results showed that FH calves fed concentrate + roughage (elephant grass) + indigofera meal did not have different (P>0.05) ration digestibility. Keywords: Indigofera meal, calf, dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility, fiber digestibility.} }