@thesis{thesis, author={Aziziy Muhammad Hifniy}, title ={STUDI SERANGAN ANTRAKNOSA PADA PERTUMBUHAN CABAI MERAH (Capsicum annuum L.) SETELAH APLIKASI LARUTAN DAUN MIMBA DAN MOL BONGGOL PISANG}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1644/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Muhammad Hifniy Aziziy. A.1511055. A Study on the Effects of Anthracnose Blight after the Application of Neem Leaf Solution and Local Microorganism of Banana Corm on the Growth of Red Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) Plants. Under immediate supervision of Oktavianus LT and Yanyan Mulyaningsih. Anthracnose is one of the main diseases commonly attack and hamper the productivity of red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) plants. The use of plant fungicide and microorganism can reduce the percentage of anthracnose blight in red chili plants without causing any negative impact of the environment. This study was aimed at assessing the potential of neem leaf solution and local microorganism of banana corm for anthracnose control and growth improvement in red chili plants. A factorial randomized block design with two factors was used. The first factor was neem leaf solution concentration (0%, 15%, 30%, and 45%) and the second factor was local microorganism of banana corm concentration (0%, 15%, 30%, and 45%). Results showed that neem leaf solution concentration did not give significant effects on all parameters measured. Compared to control, local microorganism of banana corm concentration of 45% significantly gave higher plant height, number of leaves, number of productive branches, and weight of fruits per plant but these parameters were not different from those found in plants treated with 30% local microorganism of banana corm. Disease prevalence and morbidity rate were 0% as there was no anthracnose attack observed on plants in all treatment groups. This might be caused by the environmental factors including extremely high maximum temperature, extremely low minimum temperature, humidity level of less than 80%, and low rainfall during fruit formation period which were unfavorable for the development of Colletotrichum sp fungus. In addition, the level of virulence of the pathogen is thought to have decreased because in previous reserach of the red chilli plants in the same place also had been treated with plant fungicides from the neem leaf solution. Key words: Capsicum annuum, Colletotrichum, neem, banana corm} }