@thesis{thesis, author={Putri Riyanda Apriliana}, title ={PENGARUH LOGO HALAL DAN KESADARAN HALAL TERHADAP PREFERENSI KONSUMEN PRODUK NUGGET AYAM (STUDI KASUS KEHALALAN PRODUK NUGGET AYAM DI CIAWI BOGOR)}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1690/}, abstract={ABSTRACT RIYANDA APRILIANA PUTRI. B.1510958. The Influence of Halal Logo and Halal Awareness on Consumer Preferences Chicken Nugget Products (Case Study Halal Chicken Nugget Products in Ciawi Bogor). Under the guidance of Intan Kusumaningrum and Rosy Hutami. Halal has become the lifestyle of Muslim consumers in the world. In line to the increasing of Muslim population, awareness to consuming halal food is also improving. This study aims was to determine the influence of the halal logo and halal awareness to the consumer preferences on chicken nuggets products in Ciawi, Bogor. Data was collected using questionnairs filled out by 100 respondents and selected through a purposive sampling method. The used data analysis methods were quantitative descriptive analysis and multiple linear analysis. All statistical data analyzes were performed using SPSS 22 software. Then, the study was continued by testing borax and formalin qualitatively for 12 chicken nugget samples those were sold around the Ciawi region. The results showed that the partial influence test of the halal logo variable and the halal awareness variable had a positive effect on consumer preference variables. Simultaneous test concluded that the influence of the halal logo and halal awareness on consumer preferences positively proved to significantly influence consumer preferences. The influence was given at 47%, the results obtained from R square value. Based on the test results of borax and formalin, from 12 samples those have been studied, showed that there were no nuggets containing Borax and formalin. Keywords: Halal logo, Halal awareness, Consumer preferences, Borax, Formalin, Nugget} }