@thesis{thesis, author={Wulandari Dwi}, title ={SIFAT MUTU KIMIA DAN ORGANOLEPTIK WAJIK TOMAT (Lycopersicum esculentum)}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1698/}, abstract={ABSTRACT DWI WULANDARI. B.1510244. Chemical Quality Properties and Organoleptic Tomato Wajik (Lycopersicum esculentum). Under the guidance of Tiana Fitrilia and Lia Amalia. Wajik is one of traditional food from Indonesia, with or without additional food. The purpose of this study was to knowing and learn about the chemical propertiesand organoleptic tomato wajik. This research is using analysis of variance (RAL) with two factorials. The first factor is ratio tomato porridge and hunkwe which consists of three levels of treatment namely 90:10%, 70:30%, 50:50%, and the second factor is sugar consisting of two treatment levels namely 45% and 55%. Product analysis includes organoleptics test (sensory and hedonic), and chemical test (water content), then the selected product are analyzed for ash content, and sugar content. The results showed that the interaction between ratio tomato porridge and hunkwe with sugar to organoleptic test on sensory gave a significant effect to colour, aroma, texture, taste. Organoleptic test of hedonic to interaction between ratio tomato porridge and hunkwe with sugar gave a significant effect to texture but has no real effect to colour, aroma, and taste, on water content the interaction between two factors gave a significant effect. The selected product are wajik with the treatment ratio of tomato porridge and hunkwe 90:10% with sugar concentration 55%, which has a ash content 1,37% and has a sugar content 49,2%. Keywords: wajik, tomato, chemical test, organoleptic.} }