@thesis{thesis, author={Nurjannah Erika}, title ={BISKUIT NON GLUTEN TEPUNG UBI UNGU (Ipomoea batatas) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG IKAN LELE (Clarias gariepinus) DAN EKSTRAK JAHE (Zingiber officinale)}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1699/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Erika Nurjannah. B1610370. Non gluten biskuit purple sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas) flour with the addition of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) flour and ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract. Supervised by Tiana Fitrilia and Dwi Aryanti Nur?utami. Biscuits are quite attractive food in Indonesia. The interest number of biscuits reached 33,14% in 2014 to 2018. The present study aims to formulate Gluten-free Biscuit from purple sweet potato with the addition catfish flour and ginger extract to maintain daily Nutritions, especially calcium and protein. The study applied Randomly Complete two-factorial design. The first factor is purple sweet potato flour and catfish meal ratio (purple sweet potato flour: catfish meal) with three level treatments 90%: 10%, 85%: 15%, and 80%: 20%. The second factor was the addition of ginger extract with two level treatments 15% and 20%. The data analyzed by Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan?s continued test with a 95% confidence interval. The results of data analysis showed effect of flour comparison, the addition of ginger extract, and the interaction of two factors influenced the chemical, sensory, and hedonic properties of non gluten-free biscuits. The selected biscuits formula were purple sweet potato flour : catfish flour 80% : 20% and ginger extract 15 mL, contain 62,1% carbohydrate, 10,56% protein, 18,89% fat, 1,34% ash, 7,11% moisture, with total energy of 371,56 kcal/100 gram, and high level of calcium 230 mg/100 g. the present biscuit has 917.5 gf of HV with sensory test show that it has brownies purple color, crunchy texture, sweet taste, and smell of ginger. Hedonic test result the treatment of purple sweet potato flour : catfish flour 80% : 20% and ginger extract 15 mL showed the highest preferences value in texture and aroma parameters. Keyword: Gluten-free Biscuits, ginger extract, catfish flour, purple sweet potato flour} }