@thesis{thesis, author={Herawati Dhea}, title ={KARAKTERISTIK KIMIA DAN SENSORI FRUIT LEATHER KOLANG KALING (Arenga pinnata Merr.) DAN UBI UNGU (Ipomoea batatas L.)}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1921/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Dhea Herawati. B.1610534. Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Fruit Leather Kolang Kaling (Arenga pinnata Merr.) and Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Supervised by Tiana Fitrilia and Dwi Aryanti Nur?utami. Fruit leather is a food product from puree which goes through a drying process, in a sheet form that is easy to roll. The purpose of this study was to produce fruit leather made from kolang kaling and purple sweet potato and to determine the effect of the combination of kolang kaling and purple sweet potato, and the addition of citric acid on the chemical and sensory characteristics of the fruit leather. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor is the combination of kolang kaling and purple sweet potato with three treatment levels (90:10), (80:20), and (70:30). The second factor is the addition of citric acid with two levels of 0.5% and 1%. Data analysis uses the one way of variance (ANOVA) method, then if there is a difference, continue to analyze Duncan?s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The result of analysis showed that the combination of kolang kaling and purple sweet potato, the addition of citric acid, and the interaction of the two factors affected the chemical test (water content, pH, total sugar content, dietary fiber), physical test (tensile strength), and organoleptic test (hedonic). The selected fruit leather was formulation combination of kolang kaling and purple sweet potato (80:20) and addition of 0.5% citric acid. The selected fruit leather has moisture content 12.11%, pH 2.8, total sugar content 41.34%, dietary fiber 15.77%, and tensile strength (physical) 8.04. The value of the hedonic test results indicates a preference for color 8.33, aroma 5.48, texture 6.15, taste 7.37, and overall 7.12. Keyword : fruit leather, kolang kaling, purple sweet potato, citric acid} }