@thesis{thesis, author={Hasan Muhammad}, title ={PENINGKATAN MUTU MAYONES PASTEURISASI DENGAN PENAMBAHAN BAKTERI PROBIOTIK}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1923/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Muhammad Hasan. B1310023.Enhancement of Pasteurized Mayonesse Product with Probiotic Bacteria.Supervised by Sri Rejeki Retna Pertiwi and Tiana Fitrilia. This research was conducted to get the best formulation in producing mayonnaise with probiotics (1; 2.5; and 5%). The selected formula then determined by the highest recovery value of the number of probiotics, an analysis for the storage stability of product is done by variying a temperature and storage time of up to 5 days depends on the number of probiotic microbes. There are 3 stages in the research, preparation, processing and analysis. The preparation stage is done by egg sorting and pasteurization. The next processing step is to formulate the right amount of probiotic microbes in the product. Chemical analysis is carried out on products referring to SNI 01-4473-1998 for mayonnaise products, while microbiological testing is conducted on probiotic mayonnaise referring to PERKA BPOM No. 16 of 2016, food category 12.6.1 (Emulsified Sauce) with the exception of the total plate count due to the probiotic bacteria spike. The best formulation of probiotic mayonnaise products is at the addition of 1% probiotic microbes with a recovery value of 86.57%. Physical analysis of the product generate a normal odor, taste and texture, while the result of proximate analysis is 18.24% for water content, 2.08% protein, 73.42% fat, and calories as much as 688.91%. Carbohydrates in the product are slightly above the SNI standard which is 4.95%. Contamination from pathogenic microbes such as enterobacter, salmonella and e-coli are below the threshold. The temperature and storage time and the interaction of both of them turned out to have a significant effect with a confidence level of 95% on the number of probiotic microbes in the sample which continued to decline over time. However, at 5oC the decrease is more stable so that a good storage temperature is at 5oC compared to 30oC. Keywords: Mayonnaise, probiotics bacteria, storage condition} }