@thesis{thesis, author={Yoga Febrena Wanis}, title ={Pengaruh Personal Selling, Sales Promotion Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Smartphone Vivo Di Dancel Nganjuk}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unik-kediri.ac.id/170/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of Personal Selling, Sales Promotion and Price on purchasing decisions on Vivo smartphones in Dancell Nganjuk. This research method uses quantitative research because it wants to explain the relationship between personal selling, sales promotion, price and purchasing decision variables. The population in this study at the warujayeng dancell shop whose exact number is not yet known. The analytical tool used is multiple regression analysis with partial and simultaneous tests and the measurement of the coefficient of determination. The results of this study obtained multiple regression analysis, namely Y = 1.029 + 0.246X1 + 0.193X2 + 0.493X3. These results indicate that there is an influence of personal selling on purchasing decisions for vivo smartphone products with t count > t table (2,408 > 1,984), there is an influence between sales promotion on purchasing decisions for vivo smartphone products t count > t table (3,032 > 1,984), there are the effect of price on the decision to purchase Vivo smartphone products with t count > t table (5,137 > 1,984). There is an influence between personal selling, sales promotion, and price partially on purchasing decisions on vivo smartphone products with an effect of 67.2% and the rest is influenced by other variables not included in this study of 32.8%. Keywords: Personal selling, Sales Promotion, Price and purchasing decisions.} }