@thesis{thesis, author={Talan Melkisedek S.}, title ={Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Jalan Raya Pada Ruas Jalan Nunumeu - Oenali Menggunakan Metode Analisa Bina Marga}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unik-kediri.ac.id/544/}, abstract={Economic growth in Indonesia which continues to grow has led to an increase in traffic flow. For this reason, adequate facilities and infrastructure are needed so that the distribution of goods and services between regions can run smoothly. In planning the road, it aims to find out the average daily traffic and LHR analysis in the planning year, as well as to know the thickness of the pavement needed during the planning year in addition to knowing the geometric planning of the Nunumeu - Oenali Road. Nunumeu ? Oenali Road, Soe City District, South Central Timor Regency including Collector Road IIB In the planning of the Nunumeu ? Oenali road pavement refers to the TPGJAK Procedure No 038/T/BM/1997 with the method of analysis of the bina marga component with a plan age of 10 years with a pavement structure namely road length 2100 meters, Pavement width 2x3.5 with a speed of 80 km/hour Asphalt Thickness (D1) 0.065 meters, Upper Foundation Layer thickness (D2) 0.20 meters, Bottom Layer Thickness (D3) 0.20 meters, , and planned 3 bends.(1 Full Circle bend, 1 Spiral Bend - Circle - Spiral, 1 Spiral Bend - Spiral ) and there are 6 PVI. From the calculation data, it has been concluded that the geometric technical data the road is complete so that the calculation data can be used as a reference in planning flexible pavement thickness for the Nunumeu ? Oenali highway. Keywords: flexible pavement, Geometric, bina marga method} }