@thesis{thesis, author={Amzari Muhamad Lutfi}, title ={Meningkatkan Mutu Beton Menggunakan Fly Ash Dan Superplasticizer}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unik-kediri.ac.id/545/}, abstract={Concrete is wrong one material a lot used in industry construction. Concrete consist from mixture aggregate fine, aggregate coarse, cement, water and ingredient plus other. Based on development and knowledge knowledge has many did study for repair characteristic and performance concrete with efficient cost without must reduce quality from concrete. By because it is necessary existence innovation to concrete with addition of fly ash as replacement some cement without reduce quality concrete. Fly ash is remainder results burning coal which has ability tie like like cement, resemblance characteristic this could reviewed from two ifat main, that is nature physical and chemistry. Destination study this is increase strong Press concrete addition of fly ash ( FA) and superplasticizer (SP) with variations FA0%, FA8%+SP0.4%, FA17%+SP0.4%. Method research used on study this is experimental method that is research conducted with do something test by directly in the laboratory Technique Civil University Kadiri with refers to on SNI. Test object used shaped cylinder size 15 cm x 30 cm and strong planned press is fc' 21.7 Mpa with a total of 9 samples and 3 samples for every variation. Slump value at Variations FA0%, FA8%+SP0.4%, FA17%+SP0.4% respectively are 12 cm, 7 cm, 6 cm. Results study from variation FA0%, FA8%+SP0.4%, FA17%+SP0.4%, shows that strong press the highest average there is on variations FA17% + SP0.4% that is of 25.3 MPa. Keywords : Concrete , Fly ash, Superplasticizer, Compressive strength.} }