@thesis{thesis, author={Dani Ahmad}, title ={Pemetaan Curah Hujan Menggunakan Metode Polygon Thiessen Dengan Software ARCGIS Untuk Perencanaan Saluran Di Kabupaten Jombang}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unik-kediri.ac.id/551/}, abstract={In January 2021, there was a flood in Jombang Regency, East Java Province. Heavy rains were the cause of this worst flooding compared to previous years. This is due to the increasing intensity of rain in the jombang regency area for several years. This study aims to find out rainfall mapping from several BMKG stations in the Jombang Regency area, for channel planning to accommodate rainfall in the area to overcome the problem of high rainfall and flood risk. Rainfall data collection was taken from the location of the BMKG rain station in the jombang kabupatan area, through the Kediri Water Resources Treatment Unit Office. Thisresearch uses Thiessen polygon methododes with ArcGIS in data processing. Results of Rainfall Distribution In Jombang, Peterongan, Kesamben, and Silver Districts Using the Thiessen Polygon Method. We can know that the average rainfall in Perak, Jombang, Peterongan and Kesamben districts has decreased from 2017 to 489.2 mm down in 2018 to 456.2 mm until 2019 the lowest of 399.55 mm and experienced an increase in 2020 of 423.92 until 2021 the peak reached 565.01 mm including the category of very high rainfall. The results of rainfall mapping with ArcGIS obtained The highest rainfall at the Perak station with 644mm rainfall and an area of 209.5 km2. So a channel planner was made with the result of the size of the channel with a depth of 5 m and a channel width of 20 m. Keywords : rainfall, mapping, Thiessen polygon method, ArcGIS} }