@thesis{thesis, author={YUWONO LI AXEL}, title ={INVENTED TRADITION: MINAGARA DANCE OF KARIMUNJAWA ISLAND}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unika.ac.id/27101/}, abstract={Barikan Besar is the ritual of the Karimunjawa people. During this ritual, people perform a dance called Minagara dance. Minagara dance is a new dance created especially for the Barikan Besar ritual; thus the dance is an invented tradition. This study explores the Minagara dance performed in the Barikan Besar ritual, and how the local people try to make this dance as the identity of Karimunjawa. To obtain the necessary data, the writer did observation and interviewed the creator of the dancer and several other informants. From the interview results, the writer found that the Minagara dance originated from the desire of the community to make the Barikan Besar ritual more vibrant and made it an identity of Karimunjawa. This dance movement tells about the life of the Karimunjawa people, who are primarily fishermen. Whole Movement, through the head, body, arm and hand, and leg and foot movements typical of Javanese dance like Lenggut, Ngelawas, Gejuk, and Miwir sampur. The costumes worn by the dancers are also typical of Javanese dancers like kemben, kebaya, and jarik. With regard to the identity, this Minagara dance is something important in the Barikan Besar ritual and for the identity of the Karimunjawa people themselves.} }