@thesis{thesis, author={RASALI FERDINAND}, title ={THE CORRELATION BETWEEN SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY AND SELF-EFFICACY IN THIRD LANGUAGE LEARNING VIA SECOND LANGUAGE}, year={2014}, url={http://repository.unika.ac.id/710/}, abstract={Many people who are working or studying abroad learn local language, which might be a new language for them. The challenge is new language learning may not be provided in their native languages but in L2 (second language), therefore they need to learn the new language as L3 (third language) via L2. This study will focus on correlation between L2 proficiency and self-efficacy in L3 learning via L2 on exchange students from 17 countries, where English language as L2 and Chinese language as L3. The first method used in this study was quantitative using self-efficacy scale and L2 proficiency test to find correlation between them using product moment technique. The second method was qualitative using interview to find the relation between self-efficacy in L3 learning via L2 context and L2 proficiency. The research resulted in the positive correlation between L2 proficiency and self-efficacy in L3 via L2 (rxy = 0.416, p < 0.05), also that cultural background showed to contribute in the forming of self-efficacy. The conclusion can also be drawn that L2 proficiency as previous performance accomplishments was very impactful for predicting self-efficacy. By improving L2 proficiency, the self-efficacy for L3 learning via L2 would also be improved.} }