@thesis{thesis, author={Setyawan Nicodemus Roy Mayta}, title ={Seeking a Thief with BFS Algorithm}, year={2009}, url={http://repository.unika.ac.id/7470/}, abstract={Seeking a Thief is a simple game which everyone can play it. This game have two player, there are a police and a thief. This game have a purpose for police to find a way to capture a thief. The location of police, thief and wall is putted by user. If the police find a wall, he must look for the other way until he find the thief. Seeking a Thief is c~ted with Java Language Programming and use aUI for (Graphical User Interface) programming to the perfonnance. This project uses Array and tree as a data structure. This pro·eet use BFS (Breath First Search) as an algorithm to move a police to find a thief. With that case, the conclution are tree as a data structure ean solve the way for police to find a way to catch the thief and for BFS (Breath First Search) as an algorithm also can solve the problem too. So, you must try this game, lets check it out} }