@thesis{thesis, author={Sulthon Nur Zahid}, title ={Pengaruh Kualitas Guru dan Produktivitas Mengajar terhadap Siswa Akselerasi di MTS Negeri 3 Pamekasan}, year={2021}, url={}, abstract={The purpose of this study was used to determine how the effect of teacher quality and teaching productivity on student acceleration at MTS Negeri 3 Pamekasan. In this study, it has three variables used, namely the variable quality and productivity of teaching which are independent variables, while student acceleration is the dependent variable. Whereas in this study the number of respondents was 46 respondents. The data collection method is done by using a questionnaire. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the quality of teachers and teaching productivity simultaneously had an effect on student acceleration. Teacher quality has an effect on student acceleration and teaching productivity has an effect on student acceleration. Keywords: teacher quality, teaching productivity, student acceleration.} }