@thesis{thesis, author={Munadifah Siti Nafsiatul}, title ={Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Peserta Didik berdasarkan Teori Polya pada Materi Aturan Sinus Kelas X MA}, year={2020}, url={}, abstract={ABSTRAK Munadifah, Siti Nafsiatul. 2020. Analysis of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability based on Polya Theory on Class X MA Sine Rules Material. Thesis of Mathematics Education Study Program, Teaching and Education Faculty, Islamic University of Malang. Advisor l: Dr. H. Mustangin, M.Pd; Advisor II: Anies Fuady, S.Pd., M.Pd Key Words: Problem Solving Ability on Sine Rules Based on Polya Theory Mathematics education is very important because mathematics education is a basic science that is used in everyday life. In mathematics education, there are subjects that hone mathematical problem solving abilities. problem solving ability is the most important thing and is very necessary in solving a problem in a problem. Several studies have shown that problem solving according to Polya's theory can solve math learning problems and can improve students' ability to solve problems. The purpose of this study is to describe the ability to solve mathematical problems based on Polya Theory in the subject of Class X MA Sine Rules. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Selection of subjects based on certain considerations in order to obtain 3 subjects of class X IPS MA Miftahul Huda with high, medium, low categories and based on students who live in Kepanjen District. The data collection techniques used were tests, interviews and documentation. The data validation in this study used technical triangulation to test the credibility / validity of the data by comparing the mathematical problemsolving abilities of the test and interview results. After the data is creative / valid, data analysis is carried out to obtain a conclusion on the mathematical problem-solving abilities of students according to the category. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that students in the high problem-solving ability category were able to meet all the indicators of problem-solving abilities, namely understanding the problem, making problem-solving plans, implementing problem-solving plans, and checking the answers obtained. Students in the moderate problem-solving ability category are able to meet 3 indicators well, namely understanding the problem, making problem-solving plans and checking back the answers obtained, and 1 indicator is good enough, namely, implementing the problem solving plan. Students in the low problem solving ability category are able to meet 2 indicators well, namely understanding the problem and making problem-solving plans, 1 indicator is good enough, namely implementing the problem solving plan, and 1 indicator is not good, namely checking the answers obtained.} }