@thesis{thesis, author={Koti Suhartini}, title ={Implementasi Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka dalam Membentuk Karakter Disiplin Siswa di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Fattah Kota Malang}, year={2020}, url={}, abstract={Keywords: Extracurricular Activities, Student Discipline Character Instilling discipline seems not enough to just rely on the learning process in the classroom. Therefore there must be a companion program to achieve this. Therefore, scout is an extracurricular that has these characteristics. This is considered quite reasonable, considering the nature of scouts is education outside of school that helps the government and society, fostering and educating Indonesian children and youth in carrying out the development of Indonesian people as a whole and the development of all Indonesian people through scout education. This study aims to: (1) Describe the Application of Scout Extracurricular Activities at MI Al-Fattah Malang, (2) Describe the Implementation of Scouting Activities in Shaping the Discipline Character of Students at MI Al-Fattah Malang. Achieving the above objectives, qualitative research approaches are used with the type of qualitative descriptive research. In collecting data the author uses the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The authors analyze the data using descriptive qualitative by reducing the data then flexibly in order to answer the existing problem formulation. The results showed that, (1) there were various scout activities carried out at MI Al-Fattah Malang, namely Nature Exploration, Campsites, Lines, Games, SEJ (Scout East Java) and Routine Exercises, (2) the supplementation of scout extracurricular activities in shaping the character of student discipline at MI Al-Fattah Malang. This is evidenced by the achievement of 6 indicators of discipline. Discipline in keeping with the timetable, discipline in facing the temptation to postpone time, self-discipline, discipline in maintaining physical condition, and discipline in sincerity or seriousness and discipline caring and tolerance for fellow friends. Suggestions for schools to maintain and improve the quality of the implementation of scouting activities because the research results show that scouting activities are proven to be able to contribute strongly in shaping the character of student discipline and for students to be more active and more enthusiastic in participating in scouting activities. this activity really provides a great benefit to us.} }