@thesis{thesis, author={Rinaldi Dandy Arif}, title ={PENGARUH LATIHAN 3-CONE SHUTTLE DRILL TERHADAP AGILITY SISWA EKSTRAKULIKULER SEPAKBOLA MTS ASSYAIRIYAH ATTAHIRIYAH CAKUNG JAKARTA TIMUR}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/143/}, abstract={ABSTRACTION DANDY ARIF RINALDI, NPM: 41182191150203, Effects of 3-cone Exercises Shuttle Drill Against the Agility of MTs Assyairiyah Soccer Extracurricular Students Attahiriyah Cakung, East Jakarta. Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Islamic University "45" Bekasi. This study aims to find out whether the 3-cone shuttle exercise drill can increase agility for MTs sepakbola football extracurricular students Assyairiyah Attahiriyah Cakung, East Jakarta. The research method uses is an experimental research method, while the population of this study is students football extracurricular at MTs Assyairiyah Attahiriyah Cakung, East Jakarta which totaling 20 people. In this study, all populations were sampled, so that The sampling technique used is the total sampling technique. From the results of data analysis, this study shows rabbit training with using the 3-cone shuttle drill exercise has a significant effect on increasing agility in MTs football extracurricular students Assyairiyah Attahiriyah Cakung, East Jakarta and obtained a calculation value of 30.99 and significant at 5% alpha, it is concluded that with 95% confidence level 3-cone shuttle drill practice can improve agility to students participating in extracurricular football at MTs Assyairiyah Attahiriyah Cakung East Jakarta. The magnitude of the increase reached approximately 47%} }