@thesis{thesis, author={Salsabilla Arina}, title ={KORELASI KEAKTIFAN DALAM KEGIATAN PRAMUKA DENGAN KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL SISWA DI MAN 18 JAKARTA TIMUR}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/1542/}, abstract={Arina Salsabilla. NPM 41182911180075. CORRELATION OF SCOUT ACTIVITIES WITH STUDENTS' SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE IN MAN 18 JAKARTA TIMUR. Islamic education study program. Islamic University "45" Bekasi. 1444 H / 2022 AD. This study aims to find out how active the students of grades X and XI are in scouting activities at MAN 18 East Jakarta, to find out how the spiritual intelligence of grade X and XI students at MAN 18 East Jakarta, and to determine the correlation of activity in scouting activities with students' spiritual intelligence. class X and XI at MAN 18 East Jakarta. This research is a quantitative research using the correlation method. The population in this study were students of class X and XI MAN 18 East Jakarta, totaling 336 students with a sample based on proportional random sampling technique. The formula used is the Slovin formula and obtained a number of 77 students The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between scout activities (variable X) having an average value/mean = 70.79 median = 72.00 mode = 67 standard deviations/frozen deviation = 11,492 minimum value = 38 maximum value = 94 students' spiritual intelligence (variable Y) has a mean value = 78.95 median = 79.00 mode = 76 standard deviation/freezing deviation = 8.065 minimum value = 46 maximum value = 100 obtained from linear regression calculations. This is known through the acquisition of the Pearson correlation results obtained with a significant value = 0.000 which means a significant value < (0.10) so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So it can be concluded that the results of this study are in accordance with the research hypothesis, namely there is a positive relationship between activeness in scouting activities and the spiritual intelligence of students at MAN 18 East Jakarta. Keywords: Activities, Scouts, Intelligence, Spiritual} }