@thesis{thesis, author={Febriyani Rizky}, title ={Penggunaan Metode Children Learning in Science (CLIS) Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Sekolah Dasar}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/174/}, abstract={This study aims to examine and determine the use of the children learning in science (CLIS) method on the science learning outcomes of elementary school students. Based on the journal study material, several problems were obtained in the form of student learning outcomes in science learning which were still relatively low. This can be seen from students studying science without doing anything interesting related to the phenomenon they are studying and the number of students' grades, especially science, which is below the KKM and does not reach the predetermined KKM value. These problems can be overcome by using learning models during science learning, one of which is by using the children learning in science (CLIS) learning model. The children learning in science (CLIS) learning model is a framework for creating an environment that allows teaching and learning activities to occur that involve students in observation and experiment activities and are carried out independently. The type of research method used in this research is Systematic Literature Review (SLR), the research is carried out by collecting data using research journals or scientific articles related to the research variables needed. The data sources used in this research are journals or scientific articles related to the use of the children learning in science (CLIS) method on the science learning outcomes of elementary school students. Based on the analysis of twenty-five scientific articles on the children learning in science (CLIS) method, the lowest percentage value is 10% and the highest is 100%. This proves that the children learning in science (CLIS) method can create students' creativity to learn, so as to create a comfortable, active, and creative classroom atmosphere that is effectively used in science learning because students have the opportunity to involve themselves in practicum/experimental activities and other things. it will also affect the learning outcomes of science. Then, the indicators of science learning outcomes consist of cognitive, affective, & psychomotor aspects. With the children learning in science (CLIS) method, it is believed that students are able to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create.} }