@thesis{thesis, author={Fradita Meylia}, title ={GAMBARAN HASIL BELAJAR IPA MELALUI METODE EKSPERIMEN DI SEKOLAH DASAR}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/228/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Name : Meylia Widya Fradita Courses : Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Heading : Gambaran Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Metode Eksperimen di Sekolah Dasar This research was motivated by the low learning outcomes of students in science subjects. This is seen from students only hearing, writing and memorizing what is explained and ordered by their teacher which results in students becoming bored in learning students who do not understand science lessons. And the KKM score set for science subjects is 65. But in reality students are only able to achieve an average score of 50-60 only. In such conditions, it is necessary to get attention. One of the solutions that can overcome these problems is by applying experimental methods. This study aims to provide a general picture of science learning outcomes through experimental methods in elementary schools. This research method uses Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Data obtained using data collection techniques in the form of problem identification, data search, screening, extraction and review. Indicators of inclusion of this research include: Research articles published in the last 8 years (2014-2022), articles discussing experimental methods on science learning outcomes, articles using Natural Science (IPA) subjects, research articles using Indonesian language and articles with a sinta 1-6 reputation. Based on the results of the research obtained, there are 22 ARTICLES of PTK (Class Action Research), 3 Quasi-Experimental Design, 1 Pre-experiment Design, 1 Posttest Only Control Design, and 1 combination of qualitative and quantitative. Of the 28 articles that have been reviewed, the most published years were in 2020 and 2021 with the highest percentage of 25%. And if you look at the article, the one who did the most research was in the high class, namely class V by obtaining a percentage amount of 43%. The most widely used method in research based on the results of literature review is using the Class Action Research (PTK) method which obtained as much as 78%. And all articles that have been reviewed have 100% improved science learning outcomes. By using this experimental method, the problems faced by students will be overcome. Because with the implementation of the experimental method, especially in learning science, students will play a more active role and the learning situation will be more enjoyable. The conclusion of this study is that the experimentation method can improve the learning outcomes of students' science subjects. Keywords: Experimental Methods, Learning Outcomes, Science} }