@thesis{thesis, author={UWAIEL MUAMAR}, title ={STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN GURU AL-QUR'AN DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI BACA AL-QUR'AN SISWA SD ISLAM TERPADU AL-MA'MOER JATIASIH KOTA BEKASI DI MASA PEMBEKAJARAN JARAK JAUH}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/301/}, abstract={The author took the title of this thesis with the background of the problems that emerged, namely the Covid-19 outbreak in the hemisphere, and especially in Indonesia. So that the implementation of the learning system in education units undergoes a change in operational form which is generalized through learning policies and following social policies, namely social distancing instructions (keeping distance) to lead to an appeal for lockdown in an effort to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Social distancing places restrictions on space and time for all routine activities in the learning system at every level of education, from pre-school, primary and secondary schools to higher education. The problems raised in this thesis are: learning strategies of Al-Qur'an teachers, students' competence in reading Al-Qur'an during distance learning, supporting factors and obstacles faced in improving students' competence in reading Al-Qur'an during distance learning. far. The theory of learning strategies so far is mostly only related to the conventional learning process (face to face). So that when a pandemic occurs, learning strategies will not work effectively and efficiently. So in this case, distance learning using online media is felt by students as burdensome in the learning process so that their competence decreases. Responding to these problems, Al-Ma'moer Islamic Elementary School carried out government instructions but also paid attention to the condition of students in learning to read the Qur'an using the BIIU (Read, Follow, Remember, and Repeat) method. The term BIIU is a form of development of the Talaqqi method which is usually done by Al-Qur'an teachers when teaching Al-Qur'an subjects at a face-to-face time. Keywords: Learning Strategy, Reading the Qur'an, Distance Learning} }