@thesis{thesis, author={Syifa Sella Alaida}, title ={APLIKASI MONITORING KANTOR PELAYANAN JASA NOTARIS DAN PPAT BERBASIS ANDROID}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/713/}, abstract={As the advancement of information technology accelerates, it can provide flexibility for transparency in various aspects. Realising this issue, the Notary/Land Deed Official office constantly innovates in developing information technology. The present system at the Notary/Land Deed Official service office still has shortcomings, resulting in a relatively low level of oversight on employee discipline in attendance and access issues to view the development in service orders; thus, to address these problems, an application is necessary which can increase effectiveness and efficiency to supervise employee attendance and enhance service orders. This study could generate an android-based service office monitoring application employing the Flutter framework and a website-based using the Laravel framework in back-end or API configurations to facilitate the exchange of data or information to enhance the ease of ordering services and monitor employee attendance utilising real-time coordinates to increase the effectiveness of the system at Notary/Land Deed Official service office. Keywords: monitoring, Notary/Land Deed Official services, android} }