@thesis{thesis, author={HOLILAH SITI}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM LITERASI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KECERDASAN LINGUISTIK SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN PAI KELAS V (Studi kasus di SDN Tambun 04 Kecamatan Tambun Selatan )}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/754/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Siti Holilah (41189903200011). Implementation of the Literacy Program to Improve Students' Linguistic Intelligence in the Class V PAI Subject at SDN Tambun 04 Tambun Selatan District. Master in Islamic Religious Education. Postgraduate School of UNISMA Bekasi. Implementation of the literacy program at SDN Tambun 04 is an activity carried out in order to familiarize and cultivate students to read. As is known in this era, students' reading interest is low due to the influence of the internet, gadgets, and various other sophisticated devices. The challenges of modernity make students more preoccupied with things that are less useful than reading. In addition, this literacy program is also a form of support for the government program, namely the School Literacy Movement (GLS), which aims to foster student interest in reading. The principal and the teacher council hope that the literacy program at SDN Tambun 04 will be able to improve students' linguistic intelligence. Islamic education lessons are one of the lessons that are integrated with this literacy program. In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research, with the method of observation, interviews and documentation from resource persons, which will be used as data in the preparation of this thesis. The resource persons in this study included the principal of SDN Tambun 04, Head of Curriculum Division, Chair of the Literacy Team, PAI teachers, committees and parents of students in grade 5 of SDN Tambun 04. The results of the research that the authors get lead to several conclusions, namely: 1) the 15-minute reading habituation program before learning begins can improve students' linguistic intelligence, as evidenced by the ability of students to present their reading results in the development stage either orally or in writing. 2) PAI Learning Implementation Plan incorporates literacy programs into subjects 3) supporting factors, namely: (a) good cooperation between school principals, heads of curriculum and teacher councils, as well as committees and parents, (b) adequate facilities and infrastructure, (c) Human resources in this case are teachers who are reliable and capable and have high cohesiveness. Inhibiting factors, namely: (a) the lack of time for the implementation of the literacy program, (b) there are still students who are less enthusiastic to make literacy habits, (c) the school does not have a library, and the collection of reading books is still limited. While the solution to overcome obstacles in the literacy program is to conduct an evaluation in every one semester. Keywords: Literacy Program, Students' Linguistic Intelligence, Islamic Religious Education v} }