@thesis{thesis, author={Tirta Fajar Dwipa}, title ={Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Passing Kaki Bagian Dalam Permainan Sepakbola Berbasis Permainan}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/755/}, abstract={Fajar Dwipa Tirta, 41182191150061. The development model of a Inner Feet Passing Ball in Soccer Based on Game. This research aims to produce a "the development model of a Inner Feet Passing Ball in Soccer Based on Game" that football coach can use as a reference to passing football training models for teenage years. The research method is Research and Development. These research steps are adaptation from Sugiyono's research step that uses 10 steps, But with the status of the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, This research only take the five steps of research and development that presented by the Borg and Gall. The qualification test or validity of the football model practices by 3 experts, that is, football scholars, motor skills, and football training experts. The instrument that used for collect data of the soccer training model worthiness test is a questionnaire with a scale assessment or rating. Data for evaluations are qualitative descriptive and quantitative percentages. The result of the research shows that a soccer passing model uses tools or media to an athlete is worthy for a football practice guide. This is demonstrated by several assessments made by football experts, motor analytics, and football training experts. The finish result of this product assessment by football experts indicates that the soccer passing model was declared "worthy of use" with more than 96% feasibility percentage, the finish assessment by motorists showing "worth use" ata percentage of 97%, and the finish result of a football training assessment showing "worth the use" ata 96% percentage. The average score of football experts, motoric motion analysis, and soccer training, shows "worthy of application" with a percentage of worthiness. So the video-model soccer practice deserves to be used by the trainer as a passing football practice model for teenagers. Key words: learning, passing, game-based} }