@thesis{thesis, author={Alamsyah Muhammad Fauzi}, title ={EFEKTIVITAS KEGIATAN PUSAKA SAKINAH SEBAGAI UPAYA PEMBINAAN KETAHANAN KELUARGA DALAM MENEKAN PERCERAIAN (Studi di Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi)}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/768/}, abstract={Muhammad Fauzi Alamsyah, 41182941170009: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PUSAKA SAKINAH ACTIVITIES AS AN EFFORT FOR FAMILY RESILIENCE TO PRESS DIVORCE (Study at KUA, Tambun Selatan District, Bekasi Regency), Thesis. Bekasi: Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyyah Study Program. Faculty of Islamic Religion. Islamic University "45" Bekasi. 2022/1443. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Pusaka Sakinah activities carried out by the KUA, Tambun Selatan District. By providing the materials presented to the activity participants in order to create a household filled with love, being loved, cherishing, protecting, and respecting. Therefore, the goal in Sakinah Heritage activities to achieve its goals can be realized properly so as to minimize the occurrence of divorce. In this study using qualitative research methods with the type of research used is socio legal research which is a legal research approach that uses the assistance of social sciences. The socio-legal research approach is an interdisciplinary approach with the aim of combining all aspects of the perspectives of scientific disciplines, social sciences and legal sciences, into a single approach. The data analysis technique was carried out through several predetermined stages, namely identification, classification, and then interpreted by explaining descriptively. The results in this study, the concept of sakinah heritage activities that characterize the program implemented by the KUA of South Tambun District is very effective. The materials presented in these activities are the formation of the character of each individual male or female in establishing household relationships. So that every second husband and wife have a provision of understanding and experience in building a household, the problems that occur can be resolved properly. The Sakinah Family Service Center or hereinafter referred to as the acronym 'Pusaka Sakinah' is an activity for the community that functions to facilitate, provide continuous consultation and guidance to create a sakinah family. Keywords: Effectiveness, Pusaka Sakinah Activities, Family Resilience, Divorce Rate.} }