@thesis{thesis, author={YUANDRI ALEX}, title ={PENGEMBANGAN MODEL LATIHAN DRIBBLING OLAHRAGA BOLA BASKET UNTUK PEMULA USIA SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/815/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Alex Yuandri. 41182191150192. Development of a Basketball Dribbling Technique Training Model for Junior High School Beginners. This study aims to develop a basketball dribbling training model for junior high school age beginners. The method used in this study is the Research and Development method which was validated by 3 experts, namely basketball coaches, motoric experts and coaching experts. The results of the research method Development of Basketball Dribbling Training Models for junior high school age beginners have a score of 88.6% from Football Coach Experts, 77.2% score from Motor Experts and 100% score from Coaching Experts. Keywords: Basketball, Dribbling Practice Model} }