@thesis{thesis, author={ANISSA SYIFA NUR}, title ={PENGEMBANGAN MODEL LATIHAN KEKUATAN OTOT LENGAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL PERFORMANCE HANDSTAND PADA CABANG OLAHRAGA SENAM ARTISTIK UNTUK USIA 13-17 TAHUN}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/829/}, abstract={DEVELOPMENT OF ARM MUSCLE STRENGTH EXERCISE MODEL TO INCREASE HANDSTAND PERFORMANCE RESULTS IN THE SPORTS BRANCH OF ARTISTIC GYSMS FOR AGES 13-17 Syifa Nuranissa, Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University "45" Bekasi. ABSTRACT This study aims to produce a product "Development of a model of arm muscle strength training to improve handstand performance results in artistic gymnastics for ages 13-17 years" which can be used by artistic gymnastics coaches as an innovation in delivering strength training models for athletes aged 13-17. 17 years. The research method used is Research and Development. The steps of this research were adopted from Sugiyono's research steps which used 10 steps, but due to the status of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, this study only used the 5 steps of Research and Development proposed by Sugiyono. The test of the validity of the strength training model for the artistic gymnastics branch was carried out by 3 experts, namely artistic gymnastics trainers, motor experts, and gymnastics coaching experts. The instrument used to collect data on the feasibility test of the strength training model is a questionnaire or questionnaire with a rating scale. The evaluation data are in the form of descriptive qualitative and quantitative percentages. The results showed that the model of strength training in artistic gymnastics aged 13-17 years was feasible to continue as a guide for strength training in artistic gymnastics aged 13-17 years. This is shown from several assessments carried out by artistic gymnastics coaches, motorists, and gymnastics coaching experts. The final result of the product assessment by an artistic gymnastics trainer showed that this strength training model was declared "worthy to be continued" with a feasibility percentage of 98.5%, the final result of the product assessment by a motorist showed "feasible to continue" with a feasibility percentage of 99.25%, and the results the end of the product assessment by a gymnastics coaching expert showed "it is worth continuing with the percentage of 93.5%. vi Keywords: Exercise Model; Arm Muscle Strength; Age 13-17 years.} }