@thesis{thesis, author={FAKHRI AKHMAD}, title ={PENGEMBANGAN MODEL LATIHAN AKURASI FLYING SHOOT BOLA TANGAN MELALUI BERBASIS PERMAINAN PADA USIA 14-17 TAHUN CLUB HANDBALL BOGOR TIMUR}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/830/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Akhmad Fakhri 41182191170138. "Development of an Accuracy Training Model for Flying Through Game-Based Playing at the Age of 14-17 Years Old Handball BogorThesis. Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation. Islamic University "45" Bekasi. Handball is a game sport that requires agility and speed as well as skills in basic techniques such as catching, throwing, dribbling, shooting, blocking opponents and guarding the goal. This study aims to develop a shooting in handball games so that it can be developed and provide convenience in conveying the material. The method used is Research and Development. According to Borg and Gall this study uses 10 research steps. However, due to the status of the COVID-19 in Indonesia, this study only uses 5 steps of Research and Development , namely (1) potential problems (2) data collection (3) product design (4) design validation (5) design revision. The results of the research. Development of an accuracy training model for flying shoots through game-based games at the age of 14-17 years, handball has a score of 90.5% from expert coaching lecturers, a score of 94% from expert handball lecturers, and a score of 92% from motor lecturer experts. accuracy exercise model flying shoot obtained a 93% feasibility result, then the feasibility of the model was declared to continue to the next stage. Keywords: Model, Handball, Flying Shoot} }