@thesis{thesis, author={Dinallah Rizki}, title ={PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN SIKA DAN LIMBAH GENTENG TERHADAP UJI KUAT TEKAN BETON}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/833/}, abstract={Construction technology has developed significantly, this is related to the increasing needs that occur in the community for infrastructure facilities. The planning of these infrastructure facilities cannot be separated from the use of the basic constituent materials, namely high-quality concrete. Indonesia is one of the agrarian countries that has natural resources that are quite abundant, or can also be said to be unlimited, therefore in utilizing natural resources it must be as efficient as possible, so that it can achieve the right benefits. An error in the utilization of natural resources is when their use is not appropriate, which can be viewed from the economic value and quality, especially the use of tile shard waste as a concrete mixture. This study aims to determine how much the ratio of the compressive strength of normal concrete to the addition of 5% (S) and 5% (G) concrete; 5% (S) with 10% (G) and 5% (S) with 15% (G). The main test is the compressive strength of concrete referring to the SNI 03-6825-2002 method and using the CO-321.3 Compression Test Machine with a capacity of 1500 kN with ASTM C-39 testing standard. The results showed that the maximum concrete compressive strength at the age of 28 days of conversion testing was found in the third variation, namely 5% (S) with 15% (G) which was 367.65 kg/cm2 with an average compressive strength of 289.181 kg/cm2 or experienced a percentage increase to Normal concrete is 8.91% with an average compressive strength of 289.749 kg/cm2 while the minimum compressive strength value is found in normal mortar which is 249.14 kg/cm2 with an average compressive strength value of 266.04 kg/cm2. Keywords: Concrete, Compressive Strength, Sika, Clay Tile (Tile Press).} }