@thesis{thesis, author={AMELIYA LINA NUR}, title ={PERANAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGEMBANGAN EKOWISATA DESA DI KAWASAN GUNUNG API PURBA NGLANGGERAN (Studi Kasus Desa Nglanggeran Kecamatan Patuk Kabupaten Gunungkidul D.I Yogyakarta)}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/849/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Lina Nur Ameliya 41182170150008 lina.nuramaliya@gmail.com / lina.nurameliya27@gmail.com What efforts are being made by the community to stabilize the development of village ecotourism in KEGAPN. How is the implementation of village ecotourism development in KEGAPN. The Role of the Community in the Development of Ecotourism in the Ancient Volcano Area of Nglanggeran.The method used by this study is to use a quantitative descriptive method, namely the data obtained from the field is descriptive and adjusted to the existing cross-tabulation. In addition it is strengthened and equipped with situational analysis (SWOT). The development of KEGAPN requires the selection of strategies using strengths and utilizing opportunities. The strategy that should be implemented is to maintain and maintain good communication and cooperation between managers, communities and village governments in maintaining the beauty of the environment, raising the cultural values of the local community and increasing the economic opinions of the local community. Improving human resources by holding seminars on tourism or learning foreign languages for the general public. The community is increasing the results of the home industry again by renewing the results of the home industry which is more characteristic of Nglanggeran Village. The community is increasing the promotion of the Ancient Volcano Ecotourism Area both through online and offline platforms.} }