@thesis{thesis, author={MAHDI MULKI}, title ={EKSISTENSI SENI TRADISIONAL SISINGAAN DALAM DINAMIKA SENI KONTEMPORER (STUDI KASUS DI KECAMATAN SUBANG KABUPATEN SUBANG)}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/906/}, abstract={THE EXISTENCE OF SISINGAAN TRADITIONAL ART IN THE DYNAMICS OF CONTEMPORARY ART (CASE STUDY IN SUBANG DISTRICT) By : Mulki Mahdi 41182170150031 Mahdimulki8@gmail.com ABSTRACT This study describes the existence of Sisingaan traditional art in Subang District, Subang Regency, Explains the existence of Sisingan traditional art in Subang District. Explain the efforts made and the way the Subang community in preserving the traditional Sisingan art tradition. explain the factors that encourage people to preserve the traditional art of Sisingaan by using a descriptive qualitative approach with a phenomenological study. Data collection techniques used in this research are Participatory Observation, Interview, Documentation. The main informants used were 3 people and the accompanying informants were 3 people. The results of the research obtained in Subang District at present have undergone changes both physically and socially. Even though there have been many changes, the people of Subang District still carry out the traditions or customs inherited by their ancestors, one of which is the Sisingaan traditional art. The Sisingaan traditional art tradition in Subang District is carried out every kihitan or wedding event, there is also in Subang district every April 5 to commemorate the anniversary of Subang district. The purpose of this Sisingaan traditional art is to serve as a form of entertainment in the stage arena, while nowadays Sisingaan traditional art is staged at certain events. In the conservation effort carried out by the Subang community, namely by providing an understanding of the meaning and values that exist in the traditional Sisingan art to the younger generation and inviting the entire community to play an active role in the celebration of Sisingan traditional art, from children to the elderly. Based on the results of the analysis, the author proposes a suggestion, namely to preserve a cultural tradition in dire need of support from various parties, both from the local government and especially the people of Subang. As well as the use of technology and information as a tool to convey or introduce traditions and culture in Subang District. Keywords: Existence, Sisingan Traditional Art, Contemporary Keni} }