@thesis{thesis, author={NURAENI DIAH TITI}, title ={RELEVANSI PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM IKHWAN AS-SHAFA DENGAN KURIKULUM KKNI}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/955/}, abstract={Diah Titi Nuraeni. 41182911170001. THE RELEVANCE OF THE ISLAMIC EDUCATION THOUGHT OF THE IKHWAN AS-SHAFA TO KKNI CURRICULUM. Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty Of Islamic Religion, Islamic University " 45 " Bekasi, 2022 M/1445 H. This study was conducted to determine how the relevance of kkni curriculum development of Islamic religious education to Islamic education thinking ikhwan as-shafa. This study conducted an analysis technique from the data that has been obtained during the research activities and the researcher seeks to explain and explain objectively with the objectives and problems of existing research. The method that researchers use in this study is to use a qualitative descriptive methodology approach. Based on the data collected, the kkni curriculum system is still relevant to the Islamic education system of the Ikhwan as-Shafa because both still place educators (teachers) in strategic and core positions in educational activities as well as requiring intelligence, maturity, moral straightness, sincerity, clarity of mind, scientific ethos on the educator/teacher and pay more attention to the field of Education, prioritizing teaching and education in the framework of personal formation, soul and creed.} }