@thesis{thesis, author={Permatasari Tika}, title ={UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA KELAS VII.H PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPS MELALUI PENERAPAN METODE PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF MODELSNOWBALL THROWING DI SMP NEGERI 4 KOTA BEKASI}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unismabekasi.ac.id/990/}, abstract={This study aims to improve the learning achievement of class VII.H students in social studies subjects by using the Snowball Throwing cooperative learning method. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 4 Bekasi City for three months, from January to March 2022. The research subjects were students of SMP Negeri Bekasi City class VII.H because this class had the lowest average score. The research method used is a class action research (action research) model Kurt Lewin and MC. Taggart which each cycle has four stages, namely: 1. Planning, 2 Implementation, 3 Observation/Evaluation and 4 Reflection. The researcher acts as a social studies teacher using the Snowball Throwing cooperative learning method. Meanwhile, those who act as observers of the learning process are social studies teachers at SMP Negeri 4 Bekasi City. Each cycle of action is carried out pre-test and post-test to determine the initial ability and increase in learning achievement in each cycle. In cycle 1: a). The teacher's teaching methodology is in the good category (B); b) Completeness of student learning is at 80% of the number of students; c) the average value of the first cycle class before the action was 60 and the score after the action increased to 73.5. This result does not meet the KKM value so that the action continues to cycle 2. In cycle 2 the average value of student learning outcomes exceeds the KKM value, which is 81.40 with a class completeness of 85.70%. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that through the application of the Snowball Throwing model group learning method can improve the learning achievement of class VI.H students in social studies subjects at SMP Negeri 4 Bekasi} }