@thesis{thesis, author={Pulunggono Wigati}, title ={KEBIJAKAN PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP ANAK KORBAN KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGA DENGAN KONTRIBUSI UPAYA PEMBAHARUAN HUKUM PIDANA NASIONAL}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.unissula.ac.id/9497/}, abstract={Thesis titled Legal Protection Policy for Children Victims of Domestic Violence With Contribution Efforts Renewal of National Criminal Law. In tackling the policy of legal protection against child victims of domestic violence. Based on the description in this Thesis, the issues that will be examined are: 1) What is the legal protection policy for child victims of domestic violence in the current legal reform? 2) What is the legal protection policy for child victims of domestic violence with contribution to renewal of national criminal law? 3) What constraints are found in the implementation of the amendment to Law No. 35 Year 2014 About Legal Policy Child Protection Victims of Domestic Violence? Approach method in this research use socio legal research approach. What is used in data collection in this study is by collecting secondary data. The result of the research concludes that: 1) The application of the appropriate law to the child as the victim of domestic violence case is UUPKDRT because the material discussed in the case (starting from the level of investigation, prosecution and trial) the victim is the underage child who experienced violence in Households, if associated with the legal principle of lex sepecialis derogate lex generally (General rules are excluded by special rules if the author is the same). 2) The form of legal protection against children in trouble with domestic violence cases is: the existence of various efforts from the community and the government (through law enforcers), such as providing protection / supervision of various threats that can endanger the lives of victims, providing medical aid and legal Adequately, a fair trial and judicial process against the perpetrators of crimes. 3) Obstacles in the implementation of Law No. 35 Year 2014 is a positive law in Indonesia has tried to include various rules to protect the interests of children, either on the basis of vulnerability or maintenance, fundamental rights. In order to protect children, various international conventions and rules have been adopted but their implementation is not maximized. Keywords: Legal Protection, Child Victims of Domestic Violence, Renewal of National Criminal Law} }