@thesis{thesis, author={Putranto Bangun Edhie}, title ={PROSES PENYIDIKAN TINDAK PIDANA BIDANG PERINDUSTRIAN DALAM PERKARA PEMALSUAN AIR ZAM-ZAM DI SUBDIT I/INDAGSI DITRESKRIMSUS POLDA JAWA TENGAH}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.unissula.ac.id/9504/}, abstract={Research on the Criminal Investigation Process of the Industry Sector in the Case of Zam-Zam Water Fraud In Subdit I / Indagsi Ditreskrimsus Polda Central Java, aims to (1) obtain a general description of the Crime of Industry in the case of fake Water Zam-zam which is printed by Subdit 1 Ditreskrimsus Polda Jawa Tengah, (2) to know how the process of investigation of Crime in the field of Industry concerned, and (3) to know what factors influence the effectiveness of law enforcement in the investigation. In this research is a qualitative writer using approach of sociological juridical research, with case study research method, to Zam-zam Fake Water Case with tersanqka on behalf of H. Thalib bin Saed bin Thalib. Data collection techniques used were document review and interviews with informants related to research problems. The data obtained are then analyzed and reduced, so the content and conclusions are relevant to the research. While the analysis knife that writer use to discuss problem formulation is Law Enforcement Concept, Concept of Investigation and Investigation Based on Criminal Procedure Code, Concept of Criminal Investigation Management, Concept of Industry, and Factors influencing effectiveness of law enforcement. In the findings and discussion of research shows that the criminal acts of industry conducted by the suspect, in the absence of legality owned by the suspect in carrying out industrial activities that produce Air Zam-zam. There is also the fact that Water Zam-zam is meant to be false, and then proved by a decision of a permanently enforced judge. The general conclusion of this research is that law enforcement through investigation process and investigation conducted in accordance with the provisions both in KUHAP and Perkap Number 14 Year 2012 on Management of Criminal Investigation is included in the application of related Article and Act. The author generally suggests in similar cases, so that future handling can be more comprehensive by proving other chapters that can be used in the investigation. For that reason, it is necessary to improve the quality of investigators both through vocational education and training in order to improve the ability of investigators, especially in handling cases. It is also hoped that the law enforcement will be implemented by using additional criminal in the form of Money Laundering Crime. Keywords: Investigation, Crime, Zam-zam Water Fraud} }