@thesis{thesis, author={Rachmawati Anita Muthia}, title ={HUBUNGAN ANTARA KESADARAN DIRI DENGAN PERILAKU PROLINGKUNGAN PADA MAHASISWA PECINTA ALAM UNISSULA SEMARANG}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.unissula.ac.id/9656/}, abstract={This research aims to determine the relationship between self-awareness with proenvironmental behavior on student nature lovers in UNISSULA Semarang. The research method used in this research is quantitative method, by using data cluster random sampling technique. Subjects in this study are students of nature lovers who are still active in the Islamic University of Sultan Agung Semarang. Measuring tool used in this research is the scale of pro-environment behavior and self-awareness scale. The scale of environmental behavior consists of 6 aspects and 19 items that have a reliability coefficient of 0.840 with high aitem different power index ranged from 0.253 - 0.676. Self-awareness scale consists of 3 aspects and 16 items that have reliability coefficient of 0.781 with aitem different power index ranged from 0.254 - 0,580. Data analysis for this research use moment moment correlation technique. The results showed that the hypothesis proposed by the researcher was not accepted. Results of correlation coefficient hypothesis rxy = 0.005 with a significant level of 0.632, which means there is no significant positive relationship between self-awareness with prolingkungan behavior on student nature lovers in UNISSULA Semarang. Keywords: Pro environmental Behavior, Self Awareness, Nature Lovers Student} }