@thesis{thesis, author={Zhafir Mc Qanit}, title ={SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN DALAM PENGAJUAN MENERIMA BEASISWA MENGGUNAKAN METODE FUZZY-SIMPLE ADDATIVE SIMPLE (SAW) (STUDI KASUS PADA SMP NEGERI 1 MADAPANGGA)}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/1021/}, abstract={ABSTRACT The poor scholarship (BSM) is assistance from the central government in the form of cash given to students who come from 'less fortunate' families so that their educational services are met by considering the following criteria: (1) achievement; (2) the number of dependents of parents; (3) the amount of income of parents; (4) orphan status; (5) physical disability; and (6) live in a house with 450 Volt electricity. SMP Negeri 1 Madapangga in Bima district, NTB is one of the educational units that received this program. However, so far, schools have encountered obstacles that have triggered the emergence of assumptions and protests from the community for the non-transparency of the submission system, delays, and selection errors. To overcome these problems, a method that can accelerate and minimize errors is needed, and the results are accurate so that BSM is right on target. The method in question is the Fuzzy and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method which was developed based on the Waterfall system, which includes system planning, system analysis, system design, system implementation, and system maintenance. The results of functional testing carried out through the chrome, firefox, and Internet explorer bowser, show that all components developed can function properly. The results of the validation test by comparing the manual count with the system output show a 100% validity level. Similarly, the satisfaction of school operators, has reached a satisfaction level of 100%.} }