@thesis{thesis, author={SYAWALUDIN AKBAR ALI}, title ={PERANCANGAN GAME EDUKASI TRANSPORTASI TRADISIONAL UNTUK ANAK-ANAK DI DESA LABUHAN LOMBOK}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/1027/}, abstract={In this modern era, transportation has gone through various changes. One of the transportation that became the forerunner of the progress of transportation in modern times is cidomo. Cidomo is similar to horse�drawn carriages, wagons, trishaws, wagons, horse carts, and stretchers. At the same time, Cidomo was transformed into a vehicle that transports people. This type of horse carriage is also often used by tourists to explore various tourist attractions in Lombok which makes Cidomo attractive. In this day and age we find a lot of online transportation, online taxis, online motorcycle taxis. So with the current progress of transportation, children in Labuhan Lombok Village forget about traditional transportation in their current environment. Labuhan Lombok Village ". With the aim that children in Labuhan Lombok village get knowledge about traditional transportation (cidomo) through educational games. The research methodology used by the author is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle methodology. The multimedia development methodology consists of 6 stages, namely concept, design, collecting material, assembly, testing and distribution.The results obtained are that Based on game testing and data from respondents about "Traditional transportation education games (cidomo)", it can be concluded. "Appropriate" to be played by respondents who are the main targets in this game. It is hoped that with these results children will children in the village of Labuhan Lombok get education about traditional transportation (cidomo).} }