@thesis{thesis, author={Zulkiflin .}, title ={Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Dongeng Cerita Rakyat BIma "La Bibano"}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/1040/}, abstract={In West Nusa Tenggara province there are many folklore that has been inherited from previous generations. Especially in the Bima area on the island of Sumbawa one of them is Bima La Bibano Folklore. The story of La Bibano itself is already very attached in the bima community, which tells about the story of Princess La Bibano from the kingdom of kalepe. The purpose of this research was to design a Fairy Tale Illustration Book as a medium to introduce the characters and stories of La Bibano's daughter to the younger generation. Because in the present day the shift in interests and hobbies of everyone is slowly starting to change, the Bima La Bibano Folklore Illustration Book is considered quite communicative in providing information to the general public. In this study, the authors used qualitative methods. Qualitative methods are research methods that are more focused on the situation or phenomena studied. And in design, the author uses design thinking methods. Design Thinking is a method with a solution-based approach to solving problems and has 5 stages namely Emphatize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. Then at the feasibility test stage of Work, the Author chose Bima society, especially the younger generation by showing books and using questionnaires. Based on the response of the Bima community and 48 samples of questionnaire respondents can be used as a reference or overview for students who will take illustration courses.} }