@thesis{thesis, author={LISTIANINGTYAS I GUSTI AYU DINDA}, title ={PERANCANGAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI PERHITUNGAN RAB RIIL COST BPTP DIKBUD PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT BERBASIS MOBILE}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/371/}, abstract={Abstract Education Technology Development Center (BPTP) travels both regional and regional agencies. However, in compiling office travel letters and designing rab calculations, BPTP still uses a manual way of using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Surely it is less effective and efficient and takes a long time. The solution offered to solve the problem is to design and implement the calculation of REAL RAB Cost BPTP DIKBUD West Nusa Tenggara Province based on mobile. The method used in developing this system is the Waterfall Method. Where the method is carried out from the level of needs analysis, system design, coding and trial to the level of application of the program. The result that will be achieved in the creation of this application is to be able to assist BPTP in calculating RAB and looking at the data of employees who travel to dinas. The conclusion of this study is that the application is designed to be able to do calculations automatically and make it easier for employees to see the travel information of the office. Keywords :Android apps, BPTP, SPD.} }