@thesis{thesis, author={Abdurrozak Didi}, title ={APLIKASI VISUALISASI SENDI GERAK TUBUH MANUSIA MENGGUNAKAN TEKNOLOGI AUGMENTED REALITY BERBASIS MOBILE}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/499/}, abstract={The use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology as a learning medium about the joints of the human body aims as a tool in the learning process and alternative teaching between teachers and students by visualizing 3D objects in realtime. The application of visualization of the joints of the human body uses mobile-based Augmented Reality technology by referring to the material in the SMA science book equivalent class XI semester 2013 revised curriculum in 2016. The methodology used in developing this application is Luther Sutopo's development method. Where this method consists of 6 (six) stages, namely concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. The result or output of the application that the author builds is an android application using Augmented Reality technology to show the shape of the joint movement process in human bones in real time. The conclusion of this study is that the overall response from end users to this application is quite good. where it is known from respondents who stated Strongly Agree (SS) = 40%, who stated Agree (S) = 57% who stated Neutral (N) = 2% and who stated that they disagreed (ST) = 0.6% Based on these results indicate that the application can be used as a learning medium in understanding the joint material of human body motion} }