@thesis{thesis, author={PRATAMA ADITIYA BIMA}, title ={PERANCANGAN APLIKASI ALAT MUSIK TRADISIONAL MBOJO SEBAGAI SIMULASI BERMAIN MUSIK BERBASIS ANDROID}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/547/}, abstract={Bima or what is also called the Mbojo Fund has experienced a long and deep rooted journey into history as a newly formed area, Bima city has the characteristics of regional development, namely rapid infrastructure development, dynamic socio-cultural development, and high population growth. . However, in the midst of the advancement of the modern era and the onslaught of modern musical instruments, these traditional musical instruments which became Bima's identity experienced a decline, even 75% of the Bima community did not know or even never played the instrument at all. Therefore, an android-based application design will be built which aims to make it easier for the community, especially youths or teenagers in the city of Bima or Bima regency, to find out about traditional musical instruments that are supported by real objects so that it will cause curiosity for the younger generation. The results of this application are in the form of an Android-based music playing simulation application to provide knowledge and information about the traditional mbojo musical instrument supported by 2D technology that displays real objects of the traditional mbojo musical instrument. The method used in making the application is the Prototype method starting from the data collection stage, Quick Design, Building Prototype, Customer Evaluation of Prototype, Refining Prototype, Engineer Product. Based on the results of the questionnaire or questionnaire that has been given to the respondents, the results show that the application that has been made is feasible and can be used as a medium that can make it easier for people, especially youths or teenagers in the city of Bima and Bima regency, to find out about the traditional mbojo musical instrument.} }