@thesis{thesis, author={Wardi M. Husnul}, title ={Aplikasi Monitoring Sumber Daya Proxmox VE Berbasis Web}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/578/}, abstract={Virtualization technology is a technology that allows a piece of hardware to operate multiple operating systems and services at the same time. With virtualization technology, we can make several physical servers into one. One physical server allows multiple virtual servers to be run simultaneously. In this way we can make the most of existing resources. Proxmox is a Debian-based (64 bit) Linux distribution that carries Linux Container and Kernel-based Virtual Machine. Proxmox allows for centralized management of multiple physical servers. A Proxmox consists of at least one master and several nodes (at least one master and one node). The design of this application utilized the waterfall methodology, which is a system development method that begins with the analysis phase, followed by the design and implementation of the application, and finally testing of the application. The application functions to monitor the resources on the PVE server such as processor, memory and storage. The conclusion of this research is making a web-based PVE resource monitoring application to make it easier to monitor resources on a PVE server such as processor, memory and storage, so that companies or agencies can quickly make decisions in managing resources on the server.} }