@thesis{thesis, author={Wirananta Muhammad Astaman}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI AUGMENTED REALITY PADA APLIKASI KATALOG DIGITAL SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI KERAJINAN CUKLI DI LINGKUNGAN RUNGKANG JANGKUK KELURAHAN SAYANG-SAYANG}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/723/}, abstract={Cukli handicraft is one of the mainstay products in the city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara province. The cukli craft is made of mahogany and decorated with pieces of seashell. Apart from being a handicraft furniture, it can also decorate a house because it looks unique and antique with ethnic motifs that can attract tourists and art lovers. Since mid-2018 until now, the development of cukli handicrafts has experienced a very drastic decline in sales and visitors who come to the craft locations are very few and empty of visitors. The existence of the cukli handicraft needs to be raised again because it is one of the interesting ecotourism objects and has the potential to raise the welfare level of the community. The development of compute and smartphone technology which is increasingly rapid and advanced provides an opportunity to be able to introduce cukli crafts as an object of ecotourism through digital media. Information presentation has been made as efficient and convenient as possible using current technology. One of them is by using Augmented Reality (AR) technology. In general, Augmented Reality (AR) is an amalgamation of virtual objects and real objects. In program design, the author uses the Luther Sutopo methodology where multimedia development is carried out based on 6 stages, namely the concept stage, the design stage, the material collecting stage, the assembly stage, the testing stage and the testing stage. distribution (distribution). The results or output that will be achieved from the implementation of Augmented Reality in the digital catalog as a promotional media for cukli crafts in Rungkang J Bowl, Sayang-Sayang village is to produce an Augmented Reality (AR) application called the Cukli Augmented Reality application. The conclusion of this research is that the Cukli Craft Augmented Reality (AR) application is designed using the marker based tracking method and the application can only be used and operated by the user using a smartphone with an android operating system that provides camera facilities. The Augmented Reality Cukli Craft application can display 3D cukli handicraft objects that are available in the digital catalog and are very suitable as promotional media.} }