@thesis{thesis, author={Muzakir Anta}, title ={SIGNIFICATION OBJECT IN NOVEL "SEPERTI DENDAM RINDU HARUS DIBAYAR TUNTAS" BY EKA KURNIAWAN: SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/816/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Anta muzakir: object analysis Ferdinand de saussure theory in novel “seperti dendam, rindu harus dibayar tuntas” by eka kurniawan: semiotic analysis. Supervised by Dr. Zainudin Abdussamad, M.Hum. And Wahyu Kamil Sarifaturrahman, M.Pd. In linguistic, literary work is a very interesting thing to study because it is a picture of human life, one of the literary work that used as an object in this research is novel “Seperti dendam, rindu harus dibayar tuntas” a literary work by Eka Kurniawan. As a data source, this novel is literary work that earned the author the prince claus laureate award in 2018 and best seller, in this novel contain many signifiers and signified as sign elements of semiotic. Meanwhile, this research aims to find how many signifier, signified and elaborate the interpretation of signifier, signified in the data source. Therefore, this research used semiotic study as a part of linguistic, using signification analysis by Ferdinand De Saussure’s theory. Moreover, this is descriptive qualitative research where qualitative data describe through the signification analysis. The result of this research is the researcher found there are 17 signifiers and 14 signifieds based on the research theory, and the interpretation of signifiers contained in by looking at the aspect of the relation between signifier and signified. Key words: semiotic, signifier, signified.} }