@thesis{thesis, author={Raden Yudistira Adjidarma}, title ={RANCANGAN GAME EDUKASI ADVENTURE FANTASY MENGGUNAKAN UNITY 2D PENGETAHUAN BAHAYA VIRUS COVID 19}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/869/}, abstract={This study uses research and development methods. Study. This aim is to: (1) design an educational game "Covid 19 Knowledge Fantasy Educational Game" as a means for counseling about the dangers of the COVID 19 virus to Babakan Residents, (2) find out about this educational game to provide education to Babakan residents, (3) know the results of the analysis of the quality of games developed according to MDLC This study uses a research method Multimedia Development Life Cycle software development model, namely, concept, design, Material Collecting, testing and collection. Data collection techniques used are observation, literature study and questionnaires. This study involved several residents, namely 30 respondents at the Babakan Health Center. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The results of the study showed that: the results of the Alpha Test testing of all technical indicators went smoothly or accordingly and the Beta Test of the respondents reached 79.0% (corresponding) .} }