@thesis{thesis, author={RENAL ADETYA}, title ={PERANCANGAN SISTEM MONITORING SUHU TUBUH PASIEN TERINDIKASI COVID-19 BERBASIS INTERNET OF THINGS}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/935/}, abstract={COVID-19 is a virus that causes disorders of the human respiratory system. At the beginning of the spread, Covid-19 caused symptoms of cough, respiratory tract disorders, flu, fever, shortness of breath and increased body temperature. Measuring body temperature is one of the efforts to determine human exposure to COVID-19. Currently the majority use Thermogun and thermometers to measure body temperature, but they still have a very high risk of transmission because they are operated at a fairly close distance to the object to be examined, so it is very necessary to make a tool to measure body temperature that can be done independently by patients with COVID-19 indications. . This tool will apply the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), patients will bring body parts such as hands or forehead to a non-contact IR temperature sensor so that temperature can be measured without touching the object. Then the Nodemcu microcontroller will process and send data to a website so that it can be monitored by medical personnel. The results achieved after this research were carried out were a system for monitoring the body temperature of patients indicated for COVID-19 based on the Internet of Things which was applied to the Tanjung Health Center, North Lombok Regency. Based on the trials carried out, it can be concluded that this application can help patients indicated by COVID-19 measure their temperature independently so that they are more effective and efficient. In addition, the comparison of results with use with Thermogun and thermometers is categorized as good and quite good.} }