@thesis{thesis, author={EKA WIDHARSANA I GEDE WIRA MARTHA}, title ={ANALISA INTEGRASI TEKNIK DE-MILITARIZED ZONE (DMZ) DENGAN INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM (IDS)}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.universitasbumigora.ac.id/996/}, abstract={Computer technology in this world is growing rapidly. The use of computers is almost found in various fields, one of which is in the field of education. In Indonesia, the application of computer technology in the world of education has also been carried out, both as a learning medium, as well as data storage. Even recently, the use of computer technology in education is used as an online learning medium, one of the learning media used is Computer Based Test (CBT). However, this CBT is very risky to be attacked by irresponsible parties. Security of the CBT system can be done by utilizing the DMZ technique, but this technique cannot detect attacks carried out on the network, so additional techniques are needed to secure the network. The technique in question is the Intrusion Detection System (IDS). IDS is a system that can detect suspicious activity on a system or network. If suspicious activity is found in network traffic, the IDS will give a warning to the system or network administrator and perform an analysis and look for evidence of an attempted intrusion. The intrusion in question is the continuous delivery of ICMP packets into the network. The analysis of the application of IDS which is integrated with the DMZ technique on this CBT server uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) research methodology. Of the 6 stages, only 3 are used, namely Analysis, Design, and Simulation Prototyping. Then proceed with testing by accessing the CBT server, and sending ICMP packets repeatedly into the network both before and after IDS configuration. In this study the rules for the IDS are determined by Burst 1 and Rate 1, so that an attacker can only send a maximum of 1 ICMP packet into the network. The conclusion of this study is that the roles of the DMZ and IDS are complementary, if the DMZ system works to protect the server by deflecting attacks, while the IDS system works to protect the router from direct attacks by blocking the attacker. IDS works based on a predetermined rate and burst, if it exceeds the limit of the burst and rate, the system will block the attacker.} }