@thesis{thesis, author={WITRIANA LUTFI ASTARI .}, title ={THE RESULT MOVE IN THE ABSTRACTS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES IN TESOL QUARTERLY AND TEFLIN JOURNAL: A TRANSITIVITY ANALYSIS}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.unj.ac.id/10140/}, abstract={Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menyelidiki bagaimana hasil penelitian dalam abstrak artikel penelitian di TESOL Quarterly dan TEFLIN Journal disusun berdasarkan Analisa Transitivitas yang dikemukakan oleh Halliday & Matthiessen (2014). Fokus utama pada analisis ini terletak pada fungsi eksperiensial yang digunakan dan fitur leksiko-gramatikal yang diterapkan dalam setiap move hasil dengan menganalisis proses, partisipan, dan keterangan yang digunakan dalam klausa. Data diambil dari move hasil yang diperoleh dari sepuluh abstrak dari masing-masing TESOL Quarterly dan TEFLIN Journal yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2018. Klausa diklasifikasi berdasarkan Model Five-Move oleh Hyland (2000) yang diadaptasi dari penelitian sebelumnya. Dilakukan secara kualitatif melalui desain analisis konten, penelitian ini memperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: (1) Fungsi yang terdapat dalam move hasil yaitu: laporan hasil dan argumen. (2) Artikel penelitian TESOL Quarterly dan TEFLIN Journal tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dalam menyajikan fungsi eksperiensial dari move hasil dan bagaimana masing-masing fungsi direpresentasikan secara leksiko-gramatikal. Klausa-klausa tersebut direpresentasikan oleh lima jenis proses, yaitu proses material, proses mental, proses relasional, proses verbal, dan proses eksistensial. Proses perilaku tidak ditemukan dalam data. Dominasi proses relasional di antara proses-proses lain yang ditemukan dalam abstrak dapat disebabkan oleh fungsi utama move hasil dalam abstrak. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memudahkan penulis akademis di mampu untuk mempresentasikan hasil penelitian mereka secara jelas dengan mempertimbangkan fungsi move hasil yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini. Abstract is a representation of the whole ideas contained in a research article. A well-organized abstract would increase the possibilities of the research article getting read. Previous studies have addressed the analysis of research article abstract in terms of its rhetorical structures. The present study attempts to investigate the experiential functions and lexico-grammatical features stated in the result move in the abstracts of TESOL Quarterly and TEFLIN Journal research articles in terms of Transitivity Analysis proposed by Halliday & Matthiessen (2014). The main focus of the analysis was put on the experiential functions and the lexico-grammatical features employed in each result move by analyzing the processes, the participants, and the circumstances used in the clauses. The data were collected from the result move conducted in ten abstracts from each TESOL Quarterly and TEFLIN Journal published in 2018. The clauses were classified based on the Five-move Model by Hyland (2000) adapted from previous studies. Conducted qualitatively through a content analysis design, the study reached the result as the following findings: (1) There are two functions stated in the result move namely: the result report and the arguments. (2) TESOL Quarterly and TEFLIN Journal research articles are not significantly different in presenting the experiential functions of the result move and how each function is lexico-grammatically represented. The clauses were represented by five types of processes, namely material processes, mental processes, relational processes, verbal processes, and existential processes. Behavioral processes were not found in the data. The dominance of relational processes over the other processes occurred in the abstracts may result from the main function of the result move in abstracts. The results of this study are expected to enable future academic writers to present the results clearly by considering the functions of the result move found in this study.} }